Reichhardt ISO FLEX
Reichhardt GmbH Steuerungstechnik
The ISO FLEX is a LTE/4G gateway which enables internet connection via ethernet or wifi hotspot (access point) to connected devices and provides telemetry and cloud services. Configuration via webinterface and APIs for easy App/Terminal integration. Services: CAN-to-WiFi, T-ECU, Ntrip Client for RTK correction, NMEA-0183 to NMEA2000 converter, Data storage via FTP server, FOTA updates, CAN-flash-service to update multiple ECUs, expandable according to customer requirements, REST Web-API for OEM integration, Hardware: Connection to ISOBUS via ISO-InCab-connector, internal GNSS, 4GByte storage, 2x RS232, 4x CAN, 4 GPIOs, Certification: IP67, E1, LTE (EU/Global)
Agricultural Software | |
Telemetry Unit |
Can Send
TaskData (Work Order/Application Map) | |
TaskData (Report/AsApplied and Yield Map) | |
TaskData (Other) | |
Shape | |
Telemetry Machine Tracking | |
Telemetry Full |
Can Receive
TaskData (Work Order/Application Map) | |
TaskData (Report/AsApplied and Yield Map) | |
TaskData (Other) | |
Shape | |
Telemetry Machine Tracking | |
Telemetry Full |
Updated on September 3, 2024