ABACO Farmer


ABACO Farmer is the innovative smart farming platform that increases efficiency and productivity. It addresses different needs and users: from the...

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Versão do software/certificado108., ABACO Group, ABACO Farmer, Farmer, Integration, Farm Management, Satellite, Telemetry, Machinery, Precision Farming, Smart Farming, Prescription map, App, ISOBUS, Shape, GeoTiff, ISOxmlDescrição longa

ABACO Farmer is the innovative smart farming platform that increases efficiency and productivity. It is addressed to different needs and users: from the vineyard to the supply chain. The solution has a huge amount of data both spatial and agronomic collected from various sources, such as satellites and sensors. Users can access geo-referenced and archival information on the relevant plots, activating specific features obtained from dedicated databases, integrate any kind of software and benefit from artificial intelligence algorithms.

The platform supports and simplifies the management of agricultural activities and traceability or monitoring processes; it allows to keep the farm under control by acquiring data and organise it into a single, integrated system that can also support the user in forecasting activities, in achieving productivity and environmental sustainability goals by ensuring complete traceability, simplifying operators’ work and reducing risks.

Seleção do sistema operativo Webanwendung Países autorizados Espanha , Reino Unido , Itália Idiomas , , , , Política de privacidadeaceder às Políticas de privacidade

Capturas de ecrã

Formatos de mensagem

É possível enviar
Dados da tarefa (ISOXML)
Dados da tarefa (ISOXML)
Telemetria ao vivo
É possível receber
Dados da tarefa (ISOXML)
Dados da tarefa (ISOXML)
Telemetria ao vivo
Telemetria ao vivo

Contacto do fornecedor

Piazza Vilfredo Pareto, 9 - 46100 Mantova, Italy

[email protected]

+39 0376 222181

Dados de contacto da assistência técnica da aplicação

[email protected]