
El Solution-Finder de agrirouter te ofrece una vista general central y completa de todos los productos listos para agrirouter. De esta manera, puedes encontrar rápidamente los dispositivos/ unidades de telemetría y soluciones de software compatibles para tu ecosistema agrirouter, obtener una primera impresión y ponerte en contacto con los proveedores para la compra o licencia a través de los enlaces.

48 Soluciones



Thanks to Precision Farming, many advances have already been made to significantly increase the efficiency of agricultural measures. Nevertheless, there is still plenty of potential for improvement. For several years now, LACOS has been working intensively on the consistent further development of our Precision Farming functionalities. For us, the key answer to greater resource efficiency in field cultivation lies in the optimisation of field routes. Our path planning solutions offer a wide range of options for optimising and improving cultivation. Precise path planning allows agricultural machinery to follow optimal routes to avoid overlaps while working the entire area effectively. This leads to a further reduction in valuable production resources such as fuel, seed, pesticides or fertilisers and benefits soil vitality by reducing overruns. Path planning maximises productivity, minimises effort and ultimately increases profitability for farmers. Path planning is the tool to exploit the full potential of arable land and grassland and to maximise Precision Farming effects in all agricultural operations.

KUHN EasyTransfer

KUHN EasyTransfer


KUHN helps to facilitate these exchanges and offers a simple tool for transferring or receiving documents remotely: Kuhn EasyTransfer. From your computer, simply drag and drop modulation cards (SHAPE or ISOXML), tasks or missions to send them quickly to a recipient: the terminal used by the tractor driver to drive his machine for example. KUHN EasyTransfer also manages the . zip formats, which simplifies its use without wasting time decompressing/copying/pasting documents. Before pressing the send key, KUHN EasyTransfer displays the selected plots and allows for a final check.



AgForce GmbH & Co. KG

AgForce ist eine Software, mit der landwirtschaftliche Dienstleister Informationen in ihrem Betrieb digital erfassen. Der Vorteil: Daten müssen nicht mehr umständlich von Arbeitszetteln abgetippt werden und keine wichtige Information geht mehr verloren. Erhalten Sie Echtzeitdaten Ihrer Maschinen über die Agrirouter-Anbindung. Fehlerfreie Datenerfassung durch Vermeidung manueller Eingaben. Das erste ERP-System am Markt, das Rechnungen automatisch mithilfe der Agrirouter-Daten erstellt. Flottenmanagement: AgForce bündelt die aktuellen Positionsdaten aller Maschinen in übersichtlichen Karten. Disposition: Schnell und einfach Aufträge anlegen, sowie Mitarbeiter und Maschinen disponieren. Auswertungen: Umfassende Auswertungen auf Knopfdruck – zuverlässig, objektiv und aktuell. Rechnungen: Mit wenigen Klicks sauber dokumentierte Rechnungen erstellen. Warenwirtschaft: Von Maschinenteilen bis zu Pflanzenschutzmitteln: Den aktuellen Lagerbestand immer im Blick. Offline-Datenerfassung: In Ihrer Gegend gibt es Funklöcher? Kein Problem.

NEXT Farming

NEXT Farming


The start of a new era in Digital Farming! NEXT Crop Planning and Documentation serves as a basis for decision-making and facilitates easier documentation. Its functionalities include detailed, customised crop planning  based on the integrated GIS or in tabular form as well as the easy documentation of tasks. The tool supports you in the creation of precise and secure records and by providing reports for documentation and controlling. The NEXT Farming app enables GPS-based documentation. NEXT Machine Management intelligently interconnects mixed fleets for greater efficiency in a forward-thinking approach with future-oriented security. Its functionalities include the use and processing of cross-vendor machine data for agricultural documentation, smart monitoring of machine data with telemetry, and optimal machine capacity utilisation through smart planning. NEXT Machine Management is a core component of the modular farm management system NEXT Farming and provides an individual and needs-based digital operations management. The tool includes the basic NEXT Crop Planning and Documentation module.




In one service, we have combined all modern agronomic IT-tools that are necessary for organizing the work of a farm - both crop and livestock. You can quickly receive information on the NDVI vegetation indices, build task maps for equipment, create cartograms of soil properties, analyze the weather from weather stations and conduct a survey of the state of crops for the presence of pests or diseases using a mobile application, as well as protect against raider attacks, organize a land bank and share lease agreements, to increase the efficiency of work by monitoring the location and fuel consumption using GPS-monitoring of equipment. The system for the zootechnician will help keep records of herd livestock, zootechnical event logs, monitor dietary intake and conduct economic analysis of activities.

CCI 1200

CCI 1200

Competence Center ISOBUS e.V.

Plant, grow, harvest, repeat. The incredible display and the flexible positioning of Implements, Camera and Section Control is fun for the entire season. CCI 1200. Universal. Easy. Compatible.

VisibleFarm AgroVIR

VisibleFarm AgroVIR

AgroVIR Ltd

AgroVIR Global farming software’s data interface, supported by VisibleFarm API provides a secure way to transfer agronomic operational data via the Agrirouter channel.

Anedo Connect w30

Anedo Connect w30


The connect W30 helps manufacturers to enter the world of Digital Farming with their machines.

Seges CropManager

Seges CropManager

SEGES Innovation

CropManager is your tool for precision farming. It easily integrates the data exchange between your machines and your field programme. CropManager is your decision support tool in the field, which enables you to follow the field’s development and take action where it is needed. You can take advantage of features such as soil samples, biomass benchmarking and various forecasts for e.g. septoria, lodging and harvest. The vision for CropManager is to make precision farming easy and manageable.



ASSW GmbH & Co. KG

ProFlura® ist eine Dokumentationssoftware für Marktfrucht-, Futterbau-, Gemüsebau, Obstbau-, Weinbau-, Hopfen- und Biogasbetriebe für alle Bundesländer und die angrenzenden deutschsprachigen EU-Länder. Unsere Datenbankstruktur erlaubt unseren Anwendern maximale Flexibilität in der Datenhaltung und das variabel in jede Richtung. OFFLINE, Teil-ONLINE, ONLINE oder INTRANET-ONLINE auf ihrem eigenen Server Vorteile Online: Mehrarbeitsplatzversion, Beraterversion, Mandantenversion und automatische Datenbanksicherung.



GRIMME Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG

The GRIMME GSC is able to submit live telemetry data from your GRIMME maschine to any agrirouter partner.

IBF Servizi Smart Tractors

IBF Servizi Smart Tractors

IBF Servizi Spa

AGRONICA’S SMART TRACTORS is the innovative smart farming service that increases efficiency and productivity. It works as a hub that manages communications between Agrirouter and Agronica's FMIS software ecosystem. This allows optimizing the generation and exchange of data with agricultural machines in order to have great flexibility.

My Data Plant

My Data Plant

MyDataPlant GmbH

MyDataPlant is a tool for the optimization of arable farming that uses latest images from the sentinel satellites. Crops can thus be sown and fertilized variably and according to demand, depending on soil and plant health. Regular biomass analyses can additionally be used to conveniently monitor your fields in the course of the season. Farming becomes more efficient, plant cultivation is optimized in favor of plants and environment. The intuitive MyDataPlant web portal enables to define individual sowing and fertilization strategies to create application maps.



BASF Digital Farming GmbH

The new digital approach to grow your crops and identifying risks early on. For your smartphone or as a web application. Based on 20 years of experience in producing crops.

X-tend Connect

X-tend Connect

ROJ S.r.l.

App that allow to connect Roj Agri-Motion X-tend systems with FMIS.

exatrek T2

exatrek T2

EXA Computing GmbH

Das exatrek T2 Telemetriemodul ermöglicht die einfache Nachrüstung von Funktionen für das Live-Tracking und die automatische Dokumentation auf Traktoren und Erntemaschinen. GPS-Position und Maschinendaten können in Echtzeit im exatrek-Portal oder über die agrirouter EFDI Verbindung erfasst und überragen werden. Es sind umfangreichte Kabelsätze für die Nachrüstung verschiedenster Maschinen erhältlich.

SatAgro –   plataforma de agricultura de precisión

SatAgro – plataforma de agricultura de precisión

SatAgro Sp. z o.o.

SatAgro es una empresa innovadora que ayuda a agricultores y agrónomos a tomar mejores decisiones, especialmente en lo que respecta al uso eficiente de fertilizantes y pesticidas. Al aprovechar los últimos datos satelitales, los resultados del muestreo de suelos y datos de otros sensores, proporcionamos información en tiempo real sobre el estado de tus cultivos, para que sepas exactamente dónde y cuándo actuar. Nuestra plataforma es fácil de usar y te permite convertir todos estos datos en planes de abonado y mapas de prescripción para realizar tratamientos de aplicación de dosis variable (VRA) para fertilización, protección de cultivos y siembra. Además, te ayudamos a optimizar el proceso de muestreo de suelos, asegurando que obtengas el máximo rendimiento de tu tierra. Nuestro sistema es compatible con la mayoría de la maquinaria agrícola moderna. Puedes comenzar a trabajar con nuestra suscripción de prueba completamente gratuita para uno de tus campos. Al trabajar con SatAgro, no solo maximizarás la productividad y reducirás los costos, sino que también protegerás el medio ambiente al reducir la filtración en el subsuelo de químicos y disminuir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. También te ayudamos a cumplir con las últimas normativas de la UE, incluidas los ecoesquemas introducidos bajo la nueva PAC.



XFarm Technologies Italia S.r.L.

xFarm is a Farm Management System that support farmers and stakeholders in the agri-food chain in the management of their businesses. Created by farmers and tailor-made for the agricultural sector, its main focus is on ease of use, intuitiveness and complete adaptability to agricultural realities. The digital ecosystem includes a free agricultural application, available on both mobile and desktop and integrable with advanced premium modules and a line of IoT sensors selected, optimised and connected by xFarm.



betriko GmbH

AGRARMONITOR bündelt die Datenerfassung, das Controlling, die Disposition und das Flottenmanagement in einem Lohnunternehmen oder Ackerbaubetrieb in nur einer Software. Die Verwaltung im Büro und die Dokumentation auf dem Feld werden so zum Kinderspiel. Durch den synchronen Datenaustausch zwischen Fahrer und Büro entfällt das nachträgliche Zettelschreiben. Mit nur einem Klick werden Rechnungen erstellt und der aktuelle Bearbeitungsfortschritt ist jederzeit im Büro einsehbar. In der Ackerschlagkartei von AGRARMONITOR lassen sich Flächendaten ganz einfach aus den Antragsprogrammen importieren. Die Düngebedarfsermittlung ist mit nur wenigen Klicks erstellt und die Arbeitszeit- sowie Maschinenplanung ist flexibel und intuitiv möglich. AGRARMONITOR führt zu mehr Effizienz und Transparenz im Lohnunternehmen.

MyFarm Wisu

MyFarm Wisu

Mtech Digital Solutions Oy

MyFarm Wisu offers a full set of tools for crop farm management at your browser. Intuitive user interface includes tools for farm land management in terms of blocks and parcels. Utilize satellites in creating prescription maps and create task files for all important field works and you can utilize machinery data in documentation of cultivation practices. In addition, mobile optimized MobiWisu enables straightforward note making and documentation of planned actions.

Reichhardt ISO FLEX

Reichhardt ISO FLEX

Reichhardt GmbH Steuerungstechnik

The ISO FLEX is a LTE/4G gateway which enables internet connection via ethernet or wifi hotspot (access point) to connected devices and provides telemetry and cloud services. Configuration via webinterface and APIs for easy App/Terminal integration. Services: CAN-to-WiFi, T-ECU, Ntrip Client for RTK correction, NMEA-0183 to NMEA2000 converter, Data storage via FTP server, FOTA updates, CAN-flash-service to update multiple ECUs, expandable according to customer requirements, REST Web-API for OEM integration, Hardware: Connection to ISOBUS via ISO-InCab-connector, internal GNSS, 4GByte storage, 2x RS232, 4x CAN, 4 GPIOs, Certification: IP67, E1, LTE (EU/Global)



Wasat Sp. z.o.o.

Fertisat is a modern agronomic platform that leverages satellite technology to create precise variable-rate application maps for fertilizers, seeds, and plant protection products. This tool simplifies decision-making in crop management, enabling efficient and cost-effective use of agricultural inputs by adapting them to the specific conditions of the field. The platform provides up-to-date information on crop conditions, even under unfavorable weather conditions, thanks to the use of both optical and radar satellite data. Additionally, Fertisat stands out for its advanced integration of satellite and soil data, offering a significant advantage over traditional crop management methods. The service helps optimize the use of fertilizers, seeds, and plant protection products, resulting in lower production costs without compromising yield quantity or quality.

Trimble Agriculture

Trimble Agriculture

Trimble Inc.

The Farmer Core web-based software suite is the cornerstone of the Trimble® Connected Farm®. When coupled with connected displays, Farmer Core provides the tools to better plan and execute field work, as well as sync, centralize, and leverage valuable data from farm operations. Key Benefits Include: Organize display data to ensure field work is executed correctly, Save time collecting and sharing job data from displays, Access real-time information to more effectively run operations, Optimize operational efficiency by managing daily work and monitoring field activities, Displays supported for data transfer with Trimble's Farmer Core and agrirouter include the Trimble TMX-2050, Trimble GFX-750, Trimble GFX-350, CNH XCN-2050, CNH XCN-1050, and CNH XCN-750.



Arvato Systems GmbH

With our software farmpilot you can easily plan your ressources and tasks. After the transfer of the tasks to the farmpilot app, a continuous transfer of status- and positiondata is carried out during the execution of the work. This allows you to have a great real time overview of your vehicle fleet and progress of the tasks. With the gathered information you not only secure an efficient disposition but also contain relevant and analyzable prove on the tasks that are carried out



Agricolus s.r.l.

Agricolus provides a cloud platform for precision farming that include: fields mapping, weather forecasts, satellite imagery, vegetation indices, prescription maps, crop plan, crop scouting and field observations, IoT sensors integration, forecast models, decision support systems, crop operations log and management of collaborator activities.




HSC-AuftragPlus ist eine Software für die Planung und Abrechnung von Leistungen. Durch den agrirouter soll die Planung und Disposition der Maschinen, Geräte und Personal unterstützt werden.



Vineyard Cloud GmbH

Entwickelt im zweitgrößten Weinanbaugebiet Deutschlands, wurde VYC als SmartFarming Software speziell an altbekannte, wie auch zukunftssichernde Bedürfnisse auf uns Sonderkulturlandwirte ausgerichtet. Ob zukünftige Routenoptimierung oder einfach nur die Vernetzung mit intelligenten Spritzsystemen. VYC sucht in seiner Ausrichtung auf Prozessmanagement seines gleichen. Ob klassische Arbeiten wie Mulchen, Pflanzenschutz, Düngung, Bonitur oder zur Zeiterfassung mit Vineyard Cloud kannst du alle Prozesse in deinem Außenbetrieb steuern und auswerten. Die Basis stellt deine Schlagkartei dar auf dieser beruhen alle Prozesse zzgl. der Überwachung von Maschinenstunden und Personalengpässen - mit VYC werden Dank der GPS-Lokalisierungs-Funktion alle wichtigen Daten abrufbereit dargestellt – und das jederzeit und egal an welchem Ort! Gerade mit der integrierten GPS-Funktionalität kannst du automatisch auf die Weg-Zeit-Abgrenzung zugreifen, zukünftig Routenoptimierung genießen oder aber einfach die korrekte PS-Anwendung dokumentieren - nie wieder eine Zeile doppelt gefahren. Entdecke jetzt in dieser schnelllebigen Zeit die Vorzüge der Net-Generation, und sichere dir mit Vineyard Cloud deinen unternehmerischen Mehrwert!




Akkerweb's mission is to promote the development of precision agriculture, smart farming and decision support applications for sustainable and profitable agriculture with less environmental impact. To this end, Akkerweb has developed an independent open web-based GEO platform that contributes to the sustainability of profitability of arable and livestock farming worldwide. Akkerweb is a data service platform and has, or collects, all necessary data (data hub function) and offers all necessary services to support the development, testing and exploitation of new, science-based applications. As far as scientific substantiation is concerned, Akkerweb can appeal to the 6,000 researchers and more than 12,000 students who are working on a sustainable world in Wageningen. The new version of the data service platform Akkerweb, Akkerweb 3.0, is now called FarmMaps abroad. The target group of Akkerweb / FarmMaps includes growers and livestock farmers in the Netherlands and abroad, innovative partners in the agricultural chain (sector organizations, business, start-ups), students and other knowledge institutions.

Holmer EasyHelp 4.0

Holmer EasyHelp 4.0

HOLMER Maschinenbau GmbH

With HOLMER EasyHelp 4.0 you can send telemetry data from your HOLMER machine in real time to the agrirouter and connected systems.

KRONE SmartConnect Solar

KRONE SmartConnect Solar

Maschinenfabrik Bernard KRONE GmbH & Co.KG

Con la unidad de telemetría autónoma KRONE SmartConnect Sola, incluso máquinas sencillas como segadoras, henificadoras, hileradoras y otros aperos sin electrónica propia pueden integrarse en un sistema digital de gestión de datos. Puede utilizarse para todas las máquinas, independientemente de su fabricante o finalidad. Además, también se puede documentar el estado de funcionamiento de la máquina o, en el caso de los remolques de transporte, el número de carretadas. Esto permite una documentación precisa, especialmente para la facturación de máquinas de alquiler. Los datos de la máquina se transmiten de forma inalámbrica a Krone Smart Telematics y al agrirouter mediante una señal de telefonía móvil. Esto permite transferir los datos de la máquina a una gran variedad de sistemas de gestión agrícola potenciales.

Pöttinger CONNECT

Pöttinger CONNECT

PÖTTINGER Landtechnik GmbH

Pöttinger CONNECT es una puerta de enlace LTE/4G para el intercambio de datos de sus máquinas con Agrirouter. Ofrece las siguientes funciones: Caja para el montaje en la máquina, protección tipo IP 67, Controlador de tareas ISOBUS con administración de tareas, control de anchos parciales y cantidad a esparcir variable, Interfaz del mando ISOBUS para una administración fácil y configuración de los ajustes, Transfer de datos bidireccional: GSM 4G, Bluetooth, WiFi, receptor GPS integrado, APP / interfaz Web para la indicación de mapas (mapa de cobertura, mapa de valor efectivo)

Dacom Cloudfarm

Dacom Cloudfarm

CropX inc.

Dacom Cloudfarm can import the as applied data from your machines and do automatic crop recording of your work. The data can be viualised and used as a basis for creating prescription maps. Furthermore, planned tasks (optionally incuding prescription maps) can be send to your machines.

HC 9700 / HC 8700

HC 9700 / HC 8700


The HC 9700 is an AEF certified ISOBUS terminal integrates all important information on one screen to give you a complete overview of a spray job. Fitted with USB ports and WiFi adapter, the HC 9700 allows for easy data exchange via the agrirouter with the objective to simplify application reporting and record keeping.

SDF platform

SDF platform

SDF S.p.A.

With SDF platform you can connect your machines, terminals and apps. Data exchange is very comfortable in few steps by wifi wiht our SDF brands Deutz-Fahr, Same, Lamborghini and Hürlimann. Via Agrirouter we are open to all members of - a easy communication with other machines or apps is possible. SDF supports ISO-XML, Section Control and Rate Control are already standard applications.

Gatekeeper Desktop

Gatekeeper Desktop

TELUS Agriculture Solutions Inc.

Gatekeeper software designed for farmers and advisors to manage their detailed crop records and integrate with in-cab devices. Gatekeeper combines mapping data with crop records allowing users to view and analyse yield and application maps, create variable rate plans, understand field and crop performance and make informed strategic decisions.



Plantivo GmbH

Praxisnahe Ackerschlagkartei mit allen Auswertungen nach der Düngeverordnung (z.B. Stoffstrombilanz, Düngeplanung, Nährstoffvergleich etc.), Cross-Compliance und weiteren Regelungen. Vernetzung mit ISOBUS Maschinen: z.B. Übertragung von Aufträgen, Ertragskarten, Applikationskarten usw. Luftbilder (z.B. Biomassekarten aus Satelliten- und Drohnenaufnahmen). Auch als Tablet & Smartphone App. Entwicklung von Schnittstellen und Spezial-Software für Berater, Maschinenringe, Verbände etc.

Dataväxt Connect

Dataväxt Connect


A application to send prescription map to machines.

Moosle App

Moosle App

Moosle GmbH

Be it vineyard management, task planning, documentation, inventory monitoring, integration of telemetry or analysis of your work processes - you have everything at hand for the efficient production of a top wine.

ABACO Farmer

ABACO Farmer


ABACO Farmer is the innovative smart farming platform that increases efficiency and productivity. It is addressed to different needs and users: from the vineyard to the supply chain. The solution has a huge amount of data both spatial and agronomic collected from various sources, such as satellites and sensors. Users can access geo-referenced and archival information on the relevant plots, activating specific features obtained from dedicated databases, integrate any kind of software and benefit from artificial intelligence algorithms. The platform supports and simplifies the management of agricultural activities and traceability or monitoring processes; it allows to keep the farm under control by acquiring data and organise it into a single, integrated system that can also support the user in forecasting activities, in achieving productivity and environmental sustainability goals by ensuring complete traceability, simplifying operators work and reducing risks.

iQblue connect

iQblue connect


iQblue connect by LEMKEN is a versatile, portable upgrade module that converts existing technology into smart actors in agricultural processes. When combined with Tractor Implement Management (TIM), it allows numerous functions of purely mechanical implements to be automated and at the same time integrated into digital documentation.

Krone SmartTelematics

Krone SmartTelematics

Maschinenfabrik Bernard KRONE GmbH & Co.KG

Esta unidad de telemetría permite a la máquina intercambiar datos. Los datos de la máquina se transmiten de forma inalámbrica al agrirouter mediante una señal de radio móvil. Esto permite transmitir los datos de la máquina a una variedad de posibles puntos finales. Para ajustar la configuración básica de la caja SmartConnect -por ejemplo, el idioma o la transmisión de datos- se puede conectar cómodamente a un smartphone o una tableta mediante su propia señal WLAN y llamarla desde allí.




MyEasyFarm helps farmers to better know their partfields, optimize the quantities of products and enhance their yields. Prescription maps design and management, transfer to the agroequipments terminals, application maps upload from the implements, automated documentation and visual analytics of the tasks performed in the partfields, reports on production costs on a crop cycle. Try MyEasyFarm for free during 30 days :



Farmblick Community

The FarmBlick-Community is the easy way to implement smart farming. Here, biomass maps are generated on a satellite basis (over several years), real-time monitoring is provided (every 4 days) and tracks can be planned and created. In addition, it is possible to read in external data from e.g. soil sensors, soil samples or yield measurements and to further process them into prescription maps. The main focus is on simple, fast and intuitive operation.

CCI 800

CCI 800

Competence Center ISOBUS e.V.

Plant, grow, harvest, repeat. The incredible display and the flexible positioning of Implements, Camera and Section Control is fun for the entire season. CCI 800. Universal. Easy. Compatible.

PFN Telemetry

PFN Telemetry

Precision Farming Network Srl

Box for installation in the machine, protection class IP 67, ISOBUS Task Controller (TC-GEO, TC-BAS, LOG) with Variable Rate Control function, VT-client user interface on the ISOBUS terminal, Data memory 2GByte 32 GByte, Bidirectional data transfer: GSM 4G, Bluetooth, WiFi, integrated GPS receiver, Customer-specific app interface possible, 2x CAN for connection to the ISOBUS and a proprietary machine CAN bus




Demetra è il primo sistema integrato per la gestione on line dell'azienda agricola con lettura in tempo reale dello stato di salute delle coltivazioni, dati su previsioni meteo e temperature, fertilità dei terreni e stress idrico, anche per affrontare le nuove sfide dei cambiamenti climatici, un controllo sui dati, da filtrare secondo le proprie necessità, con la possibilità concreta di migliorare la produttività.

AGCO TaskDoc Pro / VarioDoc Pro

AGCO TaskDoc Pro / VarioDoc Pro

AGCO Corporation

AGCO's task data managament solution TaskDoc Pro / VarioDoc Pro supports you in complying with ever-expanding statutory documentation obligations quickly and easily. It also enables you to plan your job management effectively with low effort. TaskDoc Pro / VarioDoc and VarioDoc Pro are 100% ISOBUS compatible and support the ISOBUS standards TC-BAS and TC-GEO.

Agdata s.r.o.

farm management system, prescription, applications, plants protections, fertilizers, machines, telemetry, weather stations, crop quality monitoring